Obstruction of justice in plain sight – Judge Cannon
Judge Aileen Cannon Orders Merrick Garland NOT TO RELEASE Jack Smith Report About Trump's Crimes An obvious Trump shill, Judge Cannon continues to prove she has no business being a…
The corruption in the United States Judicial System.
Judge Aileen Cannon Orders Merrick Garland NOT TO RELEASE Jack Smith Report About Trump's Crimes An obvious Trump shill, Judge Cannon continues to prove she has no business being a…
A court - ANY COURT - should be a non-partisan arena. If you don't see the plainly political decisions made by Judge Cannon in favor of the orange hair clog…
Over and over again the Supreme Court proves how politically partisan they are, in their conduct and in their decisions. Just the fact that they are involved in the first…
The highest court of 'law' in the country does the least amount of judiciating. And what they do decide on is plainly partisan - exactly what the court is NOT…
The lawyers who wrote this total bullshit should be held in contempt of court. From The Ring of Fire
Total lack of responsibility. Supremely Unethical Conduct. Term limits for justices are necessary. The sooner the better. Thanks to Occupy Democrats
The Supreme Court is a supreme threat to American democracy. That was Abraham Lincoln’s view in light of the Dred Scott decision, expressed in his First Inaugural Address. And it…
A Missouri prison worker’s legal fight against on-the-job discrimination this week provided U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito — one of the court’s most conservative members — an opportunity to…