John Deaton, the Republican cryptocurrency booster who just launched a longshot 2024 challenge against Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), has a resume loaded with potential campaign-killers.

Deaton has been public about dealing drugs as a teen, with the GOP Senate candidate admitting he once potentially killed a man. He also admits he went on a post-divorce, “coke-fueled sex bender.” And he was once arrested after a fight with his ex-girlfriend’s husband.

While plenty of GOP politicians have said negative things about the former president and survived, what stands out about Deaton’s abundant record of anti-Trump tweets is that they are relatively recent—and almost cartoonishly blunt, to an unprecedented degree.

“You actually may be the worst human being in the US,” Deaton tweeted at the former president’s account in 2020.

“Any person that actually believes any of your lies and nonsense is an idiot,” Deaton tweeted at the former president in 2019. “One day maybe justice will have its day and you will be in an orange jumpsuit to match your complexion.”

“I don’t blame or judge anyone who voted for you the first time because they were voting more against Hillary and thought [what the hell] I’ll try Trump,” Deaton tweeted at Trump ahead of the 2020 election. “But anyone that believes the nonsense and BS that you are shoveling now is to be judged as a complete and utter moron.”

“I’ve never been a liberal,” Deaton tweeted days before the 2020 election, “but the Trump Republican Party Is now just as bad as the liberals!”

“I’m a true conservative, not a Moscow Mitch believer or a [sic] and Trump Chump,” Deaton tweeted in 2020, invoking former Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s old nickname for McConnell, which he reportedly loathed.

In 2020, Deaton took aim at Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), the most senior member of the Senate GOP, tweeting, “you are a disgrace and I’m an independent conservative saying that!”

When Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) tweeted that Judge Amy Coney Barrett was a Supreme Court nominee with “character,” “integrity,” and “intellect,” Deaton responded snarkily. “True, she is the opposite of you!”

In another tweet, Deaton went after Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), who is beloved by the MAGA base, while invoking allegations that Jordan ignored sexual abuse while a wrestling coach at Ohio State University. “Too bad you didn’t protect your wrestlers like you do Trump,” Deaton said. “But you are a trump chump!

At first, Deaton exudes a somewhat unconventional but distinct appeal. Loud, bald, and goateed, his brash tell-it-like-it-is brand of politics recalls figures like Jesse Ventura, the wrestler turned independent Minnesota governor.

“I am running for U.S. Senate to continue my life’s mission to shake things up for people who need it most,” Deaton says.

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A1 Registers would very much enjoy seeing former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura jump back in the ring for Team USA in 2024. He is a man who stood for all the right things, and served his stated with class, hard work and RESULTS.


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