Republican Party 1776 - The Proud Party of Law and Order

Republican Party 2025:
The Cowardly Party of Lies and Court Orders

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More JD Vance

Vance countered the Vice President's attack on his character at Saturday's joint Trump and Vance rally with his track record of Marine Corps service and small business ownership as well as Harris' failures in tackling the border crisis.

"Now, I saw the other day Kamala Harris questioned my loyalty to this country. That's the word she used; loyalty. And it's an interesting word. Semper Fi: loyalty, because there is no greater sign of disloyalty to this country than what Kamala Harris has done at our southern border," said Vance.

Just remember that Republicans refused to pass a bill to address the border crisis that was endorsed by the ENTIRE Border Patrol, in addition to being a bi-partisan effort in the Senate.

Fox News

Read the entire article here


Trump - Doge-bag in charge

Trump - Domestic Terrorism

Too foolish and incompetent to understand how the United States functions outside of a golf course or a court room. Empowered by Club Spineless – The Republican Party and stupid-ass judges.

Took an oath to uphold the Constitution. He’s already failed that oath & should be removed from office immediately. Has ZERO respect for America.

Musk - Head Doge-bag

Elon Musk - #1 Doge-bag

Not elected by ANY GOVERNMENT VOTE. Therefore it’s pretty simple – Musk is not permitted access to any government agency, facility, or any citizen information. Period.

Another dictator empowered by Club Spineless – the embarrassment that is today’s Republican Party.

HOWEVER – took NO oath to uphold the Constitution. Wants to dismantle the United States as quickly as possible to conform to him. He’s doing the ‘dirty work’.

How Government Works 101

Fortune Tellers

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