We The People
2024 Bill of Rights

We The People - 2024 Bill Of Rights

We The People 2024 Bill of Rights

In addition to the original Bill of Rights, written by very knowledgeable people and visionairies, we hereby seek to add the following common sense requirements to the United States government that is elected by and serves WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America:

  • Honest, transparent politicians (ALL LEVELS of government) who are elected by their personal record of governing, their words and fortitude in the face of adversity, and joins the majority who stand tall when it is time to do the right thing.
  • Politicians that work for the people that elected them – not their personal interests.
  • Candidates for election who are unencumbered by current and/or pending lawsuits.
  • Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices – there should be NO lifetime appointments

The United States of America IS NOT A “House of Representatives vs. Senate” football game. This is the greatest country in the world and we deserve representatives and leaders who represent the people that elected them and serve their term with the honor, respect and responsibility that such a position of the people deserves.

Progress for the people means freedom to vote and a voice that can be heard!

Bill of Rights Addendum
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11 Days Later...

Schumer calls on Trump to pick new running mate, claims Vance is 'best thing he's ever done for Democrats'

"It’s an incredibly bad choice," Schumer said. "I think Donald Trump, I know him, and he's probably sitting and watching the TV, and every day, Vance, it comes out Vance has done something more extreme, more weird, more erratic. Vance seems to be more erratic and more extreme than President Trump."

"And I'll bet President Trump is sitting there scratching his head and wondering, ‘Why did I pick this guy?’ The choice may be one of the best things he ever did for Democrats," Schumer said.

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